Welcome to the Conestoga High School Boys Lacrosse Website.
This website is run and managed by the Conestoga Boys Lacrosse Booster Club.
The Booster Club and its operating committee of volunteer members support the Conestoga High School Boys Lacrosse Program and all of its activities.
For more information regarding Conestoga High School Athletics, please visit here .

Varsity Lacrosse
JV Lacrosse
2024 Season Video

Conestoga Lacrosse Community Service Event The lacrosse team volunteers assisted a local family by distributing six yards of mulch throughout the property. This effort by the boys saved the father an entire weekend of yard work so he could spend time tending his son, who suffered a spinal cord injury over the summer. A phenomenal team effort by the boys and thanks to Chris and Jack Keller for organizing the event.